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Incredible English - Levels 1 and 2 teacher's resource pack

Afbeelding van Incredible English - Levels 1 and 2 teacher's resource pack


Walk into an Incredible English classroom and there is a buzz … children acting out a story, using a Venn diagram or finishing a craft project confidently in English. The trusted methodology is based on things that children love, including:

  1. A wide variety of fun activities that challenge children of all learning styles to think.
  2. Learning other subjects and skills through English (CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning).

Now, with a great new digital package, more skills development and more Cambridge English: Young Learners support, you can help your class learn Incredible English and more …

  • Activities that appeal to all learner types and develop thinking skills and civic education.
  • Great support for speaking and story-telling with animations, face masks and finger puppets for acting out the story, and tear out story books to take home
  • More Cambridge English: Young Learners support and practice and a new testing programme with more self-evaluation and more revision.
  • New Starter Level for learners who are not yet reading and writing.
  • More variety of text types for reading including longer, cross-cultural texts and more structure for writing skills with personalized writing activities and more grammar practice.

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€ 189,15

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AuteurMorgan e.a.
UitgeverOxford University Press ELT