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Total English New - Upper-intermediate student's+active book+MyEnglishLab pack

Afbeelding van Total English New - Upper-intermediate student's+active book+MyEnglishLab pack


  • Over 50% new material * New DVD material with Film Bank on the Active Book disc * New Writing Bank which makes writing a fun and engaging activity * Pronunciation Bank gives students phonetic examples of unit vocabulary ActiveBook is the digital version of the Students' Book with interactive activities MyEnglishLab is a flexible online tool that enriches learning, informs teaching and enhances your New Total English course * Enriched Learning MyEnglishLab has a wide range of activities that are instantly graded and correlated to your New Total English course * Informed Teaching MyEnglishLab for New Total English gives teachers instant access to a range of invaluable diagnostic tools * Flexible Solutions You can assign tasks to the whole class, groups of students, or individual students to help them reach their goals more effectively.

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€ 55,70

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UitgeverLongman Education ELT