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Gramática Ativa - Versao Brasileira (Segundo o Novo Acordo Ortográfico) 1

Afbeelding van Gramática Ativa - Versao Brasileira (Segundo o Novo Acordo Ortográfico) 1


The Active Grammar 1 is for the teaching / learning Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PLE) and Portuguese Second Language (PL2) and covers the main structures of elementary and pre-intermediate levels - A1, A2 and B1. The Active Grammar 1 is not geared to be a book of course PLE / PL2. It is supplementary material to be used in the classroom or at home, and as such, the book should not be worked from beginning to end, following the numerical order of the units; they shall be selected and worked in accordance with the difficulties of the user / learner.
This edition of Active Grammar 1, the level of content, features:

Modern and appealing design, the colors;
New support the understanding of illustrations;
New units for the introduction of new areas / structures;
Fully redesigned units for better exposure of the structure / area displayed;
Units deployed to deepening and widening of the structure / area displayed;
Update of socio-cultural contexts;
New exercises.

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€ 33,60

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AuteurCoimbra e.a.
UitgeverLIDEL edicoes tecnicas lda