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New Opportunities - Global Beginner teacher's book pack NE

Afbeelding van New Opportunities - Global Beginner teacher's book pack NE


Challenges provides *Coursebooks that can be completed in one year, giving students a clear sense of progress *Informative and engaging topics that involve teenagers in their learning *Unique features on word building and sentence patterns *Characters that promote positive values and use real spoken language. *Activities for building learner strategies for independent learning *Magazine at the back of the Students Book to support mixed ability classes *Strong grammar and skills sections give students confidence in using the language *A picture dictionary in Levels 1 and 2 that is easy and fun to use *A unique teacher's package gives total support and maximum flexibilityOver 150,000 teachers worldwide have made Opportunities their course ofchoice. Now, Opportunities has a new edition. With extra features, NewOpportunities offers you the chance to take your classes even further. NewOpportunities is the course of choice for teachers, like yourself, who wantto give their students education for life!Your students will...still benefit from the complete Opportunities package, committed to solidgrammar, confident use of skills and language successbe more comfortable with using NEW vocabulary with the NEW vocabularylanguage problem solving sectionshave access to more topics, more vocabulary and more strategies with the NEWshorter modulesbe fully prepared for any exam with the NEW tasks and strategies providedboth in the Students' Book and the Powerbookbe motivated to think more and speak more through the NEW reading andlistening texts, packed with NEW information Teacher SupportKeep in total control of assessment with the new Test Master CD-ROMGive your lessons more variety with the NEW DVDs and CD-ROMsNavigate the course easily with the NEW detailed Students' Book contentspages, with Powerbook references includedFind even more support on the NEW website at

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€ 57,10

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UitgeverLongman Education ELT